Export from Indesign and Quark

Here is a quick overview of how export Indesign and Quark files to Pageflex Studio.

The first thing to do is to install the plugin for Indesign or Quark.

Download all plugins here

Adobe Indesign (Mac/PC) Quark Xpress (Mac/PC)
CS 1 Quark Xpress 6
CS 2 Quark 7 (Pre Intel Mac)
CS 3 Quark 7 (Intel Mac)
CS 4 Quark 8
CS 5
CS 5.5
CS 6

Note that there is a separate instruction file (PDF) in each of the different folders and plugin files have separate files for Mac OS and Windows, separate files for the different versions of Indesign CS1 to 4 and 6 to Quark 8

Adobe Indesign

Here are instructions for Adobe Indesign CS5 plugin file and later vertions

In short, quit Indesign and add the plugin file in the folder
Adobe InDesign CS\Plug-Ins\Filters folder.

Restart Indesign and select Export from the menu select Files Page Flex Template that format.

Select Export from the File menu.

Select Pageflex Template as the file format.

You will get a dialog box that confirms that the files are exported (this is normal) click the OK button. Note that some features such as transparent objects and drop shadow on objects and text is not supported. If you need this transparency or object styles that are not supported by the export plugin can replicate this by exporting graphics as PDF files from InDesign or Illustrator and place them in the template afterwards.

The exported files is named XDT and TSL and is generated will be the same file name as the Indesign document.

Add the files in a folder with our standard project file (Print Template Project file) and rename the file Your_templatename.pf the same name as the XDT and TSL files. It will also generate a log file to confirm that the template files generated from Indesign file with date and location filnavn.log (this can be deleted).

Quark Xpress

Here is the instructions for installing the Quark Xpress 8 plugin

In short end Quark adding plugin file in the Quark \ XTension folder.

Restart Quark and select Export Page Flex Template from the menu Utilities.

The exported files is named XDT and TSL and is generated will be the same file name as the  Quark document.

Add the files in a folder with our standard project file (Print Template Project file) and rename the file Your_templatename.pf the same name as the XDT and TSL files. It will also generate a log file to confirm that the template files generated from Indesign file with date and location filnavn.log (this can be deleted).