How to make a template

This walk-trough guide is for creating a business card from scratch with a PDF file (other methods apply when you have a Quark or Indesign file..)

Start by copying our standard projektfil and create a good mappestruktor as told in the chapter on standard project.

Download our standard project file for print templates here:

Print Template Project file

Then open the project file ( and create a new template document.

File // New // Template (CTRL+N)

Define the size and click OK.

Define the variables that will be completed by the end user within isave.DIALOG.


Insert a picture in your document and select the PDF file as the basis for your template. You select the PDF file by visiting the NEW option under the source of the picture frame.

Set position to-3mm at the TOP and LEFT, if your product uses bleeds.

Create two text boxes that you place over the body of the template that will be variable.

Create two text boxes because the location of name / title and the top line of numbers (in this case, either mobile, fax or e-mail that the user fills out) must have the same position regardless of whether the user fills in all lines of  the business card or not.

This means that we must create rules that makes the paragraphs will disappear if the user does not fill in the fields applied to the paragraphs. Select a paragraph and enter the variable name that is used in this paragraph, in the Auto-Hide for Paragraph field under the FLEX tab.

The vertical direction of the text-box will define how your paragraphs will re-flow when auto hide for paragraphs setting is applied. Select the text-box and set the right setting for your template under the tab Form / Vertical Alignment.

Change the default fonts to the font used in the business card (you can find the font values by opening the PDF file in either Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Illustrator. Note that the Touch-up Text Tool in Adobe Acrobat Pro does not show colors in Pantone or CMYK, so when you are looking for custom colors you should use Adobe Illustrator. See this separate manual for defining Pantone colors if this is in use in your publication. In short, it is to export an item with either Quark or Indesign plugin settings and then copy this element into the publication you want to apply the color.

Under the Variables select the variable you are going to do a weaving to your business card by selecting the text that you want the user to replace with your own data and pressing the Apply Variable button with a black arrow with a red mark under that symbol palette.

Auto-hide Condition is only used when the paragraph contains only one variable and you whant to hide the entire paragraph from the template if no value is filled in the form in isave.DIALOG

How to set the rule:
1 Set the text marker in the paragraph containing the E_mail variable
2 Select the Flex tab and insert the value E_mail (same as variable name) in the field Auto-hide Condition for paragraph.

See the rule Value1_Value2_SHOW_ROW in the project file in this  sample template for auto-hide paragraphs containing more than one variable.

Note that variable names can not contain dashes, spaces or special characters. Use the Underscore (_) instead. Underscore will be replaced with spaces when the template is uploaded into isave.DIALOG.

Once the template is predefined save both the project file and template file (Save All) and export the template as a zip file and the upload it to isave.DIALOG

File // Make Packager Zip